Stream Security, previously known as Lightlytics, today announced a significant expansion into cloud security, ushering in a new era for the company beyond cloud operations. With this market and brand transformation, Stream Security introduces an innovative, real-time Cloud Twin that empowers security and operations teams to detect and investigate their exposure and threats like never before.
Stream’s pioneering technology is intricately linked to both posture and behavior — and the only known solution of its kind to map cloud dependencies in real-time. The Cloud Twin constantly models the cloud environment, allowing organizations to understand the impact of every operation in their cloud in real-time. By unveiling security gaps, analyzing potential threats, considering identifying exposures, and assessing the impact of their remediation efforts, it enables improved collaboration between security and operations teams.
“At Stream Security, we're paving the future of cloud security. It's imperative to match the pace of adversaries by addressing threats in real time,” said Stream Security Co-Founder and CTO Stav Sitnikov. “It goes beyond merely scanning for security gaps. It is about acknowledging that incidents are inevitable. Therefore, effective detection and response mechanisms are essential to react faster than the adversary and minimize any lasting impact.”
Security and operations teams cannot be successful without one another — or the constantly evolving and changing cloud that drives them both. The need for implementing real-time, agile security strategies is set to impact both large and mid-sized organizations significantly. This approach effectively bridges the considerable gap between security and operations, equipping security teams with precise and timely insights into their cloud environment.
Stream’s Cloud Twin technology enables security and operation teams to collaborate like never before, minding exposure and environmental resiliency to streamline their collaboration,” said Stream Security Co-founder and CEO, Or Shoshani. “This expansion marks a pivotal moment in our journey, broadening our scope to encompass cloud security solutions that revolutionize how CloudSecOps teams interact with their cloud environment.”
"Real time cloud security is a one of the big unsolved problems in cloud security. Stream Security provides an unmatchable solution for cloud real-time exposure management," said Kobi Samboursky, co-founder of Glilot Capital. "The urgency for real-time cyber solutions only continues to grow, and Stream is uniquely positioned to address this issue."
In addition to the rebrand and the introduction of the Cloud Twin, Stream Security is proud to announce three significant features aimed at bolstering cloud security:
“As Stream Security steps into its new identity and expands into cloud security, it remains committed to delivering innovative solutions that empower organizations to navigate the landscape of cloud operations,” concluded Shoshani.
For more information about Stream Security and its advanced cloud security solutions, please visit
Stream Security, formerly known as Lightlytics, is a leading platform for cloud solutions specializing in real-time Cloud Twin technology. The platform constantly models enterprises’ cloud environments to pinpoint how threats emerge and demystifies the impact of remediating them instantly. To learn more about Stream please visit