November 12, 2023

AWS Cost best practices for EKS

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a fully managed Kubernetes service that makes it easy to run, scale, and secure containerized applications using Kubernetes. However, managing costs while utilizing EKS can be challenging, especially as your organization grows and adds more resources. This article will outline some best practices to help you optimize costs and get the most out of your EKS deployment.
Stream Team
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Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

EKS is a fully managed Kubernetes service that makes it easy to run, scale, and secure containerized applications using Kubernetes. However, managing costs while utilizing EKS can be challenging, especially as your organization grows and adds more resources. This article will outline some best practices to help you optimize costs and get the most out of your EKS deployment.

1. Rightsize EC2 Instances

Selecting the right EC2 instance types is crucial for balancing performance and cost. Analyze the resource requirements of your containerized applications and choose instance types that best fit their needs. Use tools like AWS Compute Optimizer or Kubernetes Metrics Server to gather insights on your current usage and make informed decisions. Additionally, consider using Spot Instances for non-critical workloads to save up to 90% compared to On-Demand pricing.

2. Implement Cluster Autoscaling

Cluster autoscaling can help you manage the number of nodes in your EKS cluster based on the actual demand. By configuring the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler, you can automatically scale your worker nodes up or down based on the resource requirements of your containers. This ensures that you're only paying for the resources you need and not wasting money on idle capacity.

3. Use Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA)

HPA automatically adjusts the number of replicas for a specific deployment based on the observed CPU utilization or custom metrics. This ensures that your application has the right number of pods to handle the workload, allowing you to optimize resource utilization and reduce costs. Use the Kubernetes Metrics Server to enable HPA and gather metrics for your deployments.

4. Leverage Amazon RDS for Kubernetes

Running databases on EKS can be resource-intensive, leading to higher costs. By using Amazon RDS for Kubernetes, you can offload your database management to a fully managed service, reducing the resources required for your EKS cluster and optimizing costs.

5. Implement Resource Quotas and Limits

Resource quotas help you control resource consumption at the namespace level, ensuring that no single application or team consumes more resources than necessary. Additionally, setting resource limits for containers prevents them from consuming excessive CPU or memory, which could negatively impact other workloads and increase costs.

6. Monitor and Optimize Costs

Regularly monitor your EKS costs and usage using tools like AWS Cost Explorer and Kubernetes Metrics Server. Analyze the data to identify trends, spot inefficiencies, and optimize your deployment accordingly. Consider setting up cost allocation tags and budgets to gain granular insights and control over your EKS costs.

7. Use Savings Plans or Reserved Instances

For predictable and consistent workloads, consider purchasing Savings Plans or Reserved Instances to commit to a specific usage level in exchange for significant discounts. Savings Plans offer more flexibility and can be applied across various AWS services, while Reserved Instances are specific to a particular instance family.

About Stream Security

Stream.Security delivers the only cloud detection and response solution that SecOps teams can trust. Born in the cloud, Stream’s Cloud Twin solution enables real-time cloud threat and exposure modeling to accelerate response in today’s highly dynamic cloud enterprise environments. By using the Stream Security platform, SecOps teams gain unparalleled visibility and can pinpoint exposures and threats by understanding the past, present, and future of their cloud infrastructure. The AI-assisted platform helps to determine attack paths and blast radius across all elements of the cloud infrastructure to eliminate gaps accelerate MTTR by streamlining investigations, reducing knowledge gaps while maximizing team productivity and limiting burnout.

Stream Team
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