February 14, 2023

Moving Beyond Static, Rules and Algorithms

The shift to the cloud has brought new challenges in securing environments, with traditional static rules and static graph algorithms-based approaches to security falling short. In this article, we will explore why static rules and static graph algorithms are no longer sufficient, and why dynamic graph algorithms present a better solution for cloud security management (CSPM, CIEM, and KSPM)
Stream Team
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The Advantages of Dynamic Graph Algorithms for Cloud Security Posture Management

The shift to the cloud has brought new challenges in securing environments, with traditional static rules and static graph algorithms-based approaches to security falling short. In this article, we will explore why static rules and static graph algorithms are no longer sufficient, and why dynamic graph algorithms present a better solution for cloud security management (CSPM, CIEM, and KSPM)

The Limitations of Static Rules and Static Graph Algorithms

  1. Lack of Adaptability: Static rules and static graph algorithms are predefined and rigid, making them ill-suited for addressing the ever-changing threat landscape. As cloud environments evolve and new vulnerabilities emerge, these static approaches cannot keep pace, leaving security gaps and exposing organizations to risk.
  2. Scalability Issues: As cloud infrastructures grow in size and complexity, the number of rules or graph updates required to cover all possible scenarios can become unmanageable. This can lead to an inefficient security posture and a higher likelihood of false positives and negatives.
  3. Inability to Capture Complex Relationships: Cloud environments are highly interconnected, with dependencies and relationships across various resources and services. Static rules and static graph algorithms are limited in their ability to capture these complex relationships, making it difficult to gain a comprehensive understanding of potential vulnerabilities.
  4. High Rates of False Positives and Negatives: Static rules and static graph algorithms can generate a significant number of false positives and negatives due to their inability to account for the complexities and dynamics of cloud environments. This can lead to security teams wasting time and resources addressing non-existent threats or overlooking genuine vulnerabilities.

Dynamic Graph Algorithms: A Better Solution for Cloud Security

Dynamic graph algorithms, on the other hand, offer several advantages over static rules and static graph algorithms for CSPM:

  1. Real-Time Adaptability: Unlike static approaches, dynamic graph algorithms continuously analyze and update the security posture in real-time. This enables them to adapt to changes in the cloud environment and identify emerging threats, ensuring a more effective and up-to-date security posture.
  2. Scalability: Dynamic graph algorithms can handle large-scale cloud environments with ease, as they are designed to process vast amounts of data and identify patterns efficiently. This allows for a more scalable solution, capable of accommodating the growth and expansion of cloud infrastructures.
  3. Holistic Understanding of Relationships: Dynamic graph algorithms excel at capturing the intricate relationships between various cloud resources and services. By representing cloud environments as interconnected graphs, they provide a more comprehensive view of the security landscape, allowing for better detection and remediation of vulnerabilities.
  4. Change Impact analysis: Dynamic graph algorithms can process incremental updates to the cloud environment more efficiently and analyze security threats in real-time. This leads to faster response times when addressing security threats or making changes to the infrastructure, as opposed to static graph algorithms that may require periodic processing or scheduled updates.
  5. Reduced False Positives and Negatives: By analyzing the context and relationships between cloud resources, dynamic graph algorithms can more accurately identify security risks. This leads to fewer false positives and negatives, resulting in a more effective CSPM strategy.
By using Dynamic Graph Algorithms we are able to provide posture based impact analysis in both real-time and build time.


As cloud computing continues to reshape the technological landscape, the need for effective and scalable security solutions has never been greater. While static rules and static graph algorithms once served as the foundation for cloud security posture management, they have become inadequate for handling the dynamic and complex nature of modern cloud environments. By leveraging dynamic graph algorithms, organizations can better adapt to evolving threats, scale their security measures, and gain a deeper understanding of the relationships within their cloud infrastructures, ultimately leading to a more secure and robust cloud environment.

Stream.Security posture engine is based on Dynamic Graph Algorithms allowing SecOps and DevOps to truly understand risk and build guardrails without limitations.

About Stream Security

Stream.Security delivers the only cloud detection and response solution that SecOps teams can trust. Born in the cloud, Stream’s Cloud Twin solution enables real-time cloud threat and exposure modeling to accelerate response in today’s highly dynamic cloud enterprise environments. By using the Stream Security platform, SecOps teams gain unparalleled visibility and can pinpoint exposures and threats by understanding the past, present, and future of their cloud infrastructure. The AI-assisted platform helps to determine attack paths and blast radius across all elements of the cloud infrastructure to eliminate gaps accelerate MTTR by streamlining investigations, reducing knowledge gaps while maximizing team productivity and limiting burnout.

Stream Team
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