April 27, 2023

AWS Cost best practices for MSK

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) is a fully managed service that makes it easy to build and run applications that use Apache Kafka to process streaming data. Although MSK simplifies the setup and management of Apache Kafka clusters, it's essential to optimize costs to make the most of the service. This article outlines some best practices for optimizing Amazon MSK costs without compromising performance or reliability.
Stream Team
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Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) is a fully managed service that makes it easy to build and run applications that use Apache Kafka to process streaming data. Although MSK simplifies the setup and management of Apache Kafka clusters, it's essential to optimize costs to make the most of the service. This article outlines some best practices for optimizing Amazon MSK costs without compromising performance or reliability.

  1. Choose the Right Instance Type

Selecting the right instance type for your MSK cluster is crucial to balance performance and cost. Analyze the resource requirements of your Kafka workloads and choose instance types that best fit their needs. Using instances with the right CPU, memory, and network performance can help you optimize costs and maintain the desired level of performance.

  1. Use Storage Efficiently

MSK charges for storage based on the amount of EBS volume capacity used by your cluster's broker nodes. Optimize storage utilization by monitoring and managing the storage capacity of your broker nodes. Adjust the retention period of your topics to balance storage costs and data durability requirements. Additionally, consider using Kafka's log compaction feature to reduce storage usage by keeping only the latest value for each key in a topic.

  1. Optimize Data Transfer

Minimize data transfer costs by deploying your Kafka clients and MSK cluster in the same VPC or region. By doing so, you can eliminate data transfer charges for traffic between your clients and the MSK cluster. Use Kafka's compression feature to compress messages before sending them to the cluster, further reducing data transfer costs and improving network performance.

  1. Scale Your Cluster Based on Demand

Monitor the resource usage and performance of your MSK cluster using tools like Amazon CloudWatch and MSK's native metrics. Based on your analysis, scale your cluster by adding or removing broker nodes to match your workload's requirements. This ensures that you're only paying for the resources you need and not wasting money on idle capacity.

  1. Optimize Partition Placement

Amazon MSK automatically distributes partitions across broker nodes to balance resource utilization. However, you can further optimize partition placement by considering factors like topic replication factors, consumer group usage patterns, and broker node resource usage. Optimizing partition placement can help you reduce costs by preventing broker node overloading and avoiding the need for additional nodes.

  1. Use AWS Savings Plans

For predictable and consistent workloads, consider purchasing AWS Savings Plans to commit to a specific usage level in exchange for significant discounts. Savings Plans can help you save on both MSK and associated EC2 costs.

  1. Monitor and Analyze MSK Costs

Regularly monitor and analyze your MSK costs using tools like AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, and AWS Trusted Advisor. Identify trends and inefficiencies to optimize your MSK cost management strategy accordingly. Consider setting up cost allocation tags to gain granular insights and control over your MSK costs.

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Stream.Security delivers the only cloud detection and response solution that SecOps teams can trust. Born in the cloud, Stream’s Cloud Twin solution enables real-time cloud threat and exposure modeling to accelerate response in today’s highly dynamic cloud enterprise environments. By using the Stream Security platform, SecOps teams gain unparalleled visibility and can pinpoint exposures and threats by understanding the past, present, and future of their cloud infrastructure. The AI-assisted platform helps to determine attack paths and blast radius across all elements of the cloud infrastructure to eliminate gaps accelerate MTTR by streamlining investigations, reducing knowledge gaps while maximizing team productivity and limiting burnout.

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