June 9, 2024

The Imperative for CDR (Cloud Detection and Response)

The complexity and pace of cloud environments result in constant changes that are difficult to monitor and secure. Security teams are inundated with alerts, each requiring thorough investigation to determine if it represents a real threat. This constant vigilance can lead to resource overload, missed threats, and delayed responses. Here’s why CDR is indispensable:
Stream Team


Problem Statement 1: The Avalanche of Alerts

Your SOC team is overwhelmed with an enormous number of alerts daily.

Before security engineers can even consider a response, they must assess the severity of each alert, which can range from a false positive to an active threat. This involves sifting through cloud logs for raw data, but these logs lack context, making it extremely challenging to connect the dots and pinpoint the root cause of each alert.

  • Challenge: High volume of alerts with unclear severity.
  • Impact: Significant time spent on initial assessment, leading to delays in actual response and mitigation.

Problem Statement 2: Inadequate Threat Prioritization

Security teams struggle to prioritize threats based on actual business risk.

Daily alerts force teams to choose between thorough investigations, which hinder other duties, or focusing on tasks while potentially missing critical threats. The lack of context in alerts from Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems exacerbates the issue, preventing the identification of high-risk attack vectors.

  • Challenge: Inability to prioritize threats effectively.
  • Impact: Potentially critical threats may be overlooked, leading to serious security breaches.

Problem Statement 3: Delayed Threat Detection

Security teams face significant delays in threat detection due to the extensive time required to investigate alerts and extract meaningful context from raw logs.

Adversaries, who constantly evolve their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), gain an upper hand as they can act more swiftly than defenders can respond. This imbalance favors attackers, who can exploit the delays in detection and response.

  • Challenge: Slow and inefficient threat detection processes.
  • Impact: Increased risk of successful attacks due to delayed responses.

Problem Statement 4: Tools Gaps

Existing security toolsets, designed for on-premises environments, lack real-time visibility over cloud infrastructure.

Even with leading cloud security tools, companies often have incomplete visibility over their cloud environment. Triaging cloud alerts in the SIEM remains a manual, time-consuming process, further complicating security efforts.

  • Challenge: Inadequate tools for real-time cloud security.
  • Impact: Gaps in visibility and manual processes increase the risk of missed threats.

Problem Statement 5: Real-Time Attack Context

Security teams struggle to gather sufficient context to triage quickly and effectively, particularly in real-time attack scenarios.

Posture management solutions often provide only a momentary snapshot, lacking the continuous monitoring necessary to maintain an up-to-date view of the attack landscape. This means teams can often only look backwards, unable to anticipate the adversary’s next move based on current compromised assets.

  • Challenge: Lack of real-time attack visibility.
  • Impact: Delayed responses and inability to predict adversary movements.

Problem Statement 6: Detection and Expertise Gap

Cloud attackers employ diverse tactics across multi-cloud environments, creating unparalleled complexity that traditional tools cannot adequately address.

Organizations struggle to maintain detection parity across different Cloud Service Providers (CSPs). Building effective cloud detection requires specialized knowledge, and teams spend excessive time writing custom rules that achieve only partial coverage. The complexity of cloud telemetry, scattered across various sources, makes manual correlation slow and error-prone.

  • Challenge: High complexity and expertise required for effective cloud security.
  • Impact: Incomplete detection and response capabilities, leading to increased vulnerability.

Problem Statement 7: Exposure Management

Attackers often change configurations and permissions to strengthen their foothold, exploiting gaps in real-time data reliability and immediate response.

Cloud Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPPs) frequently leave gaps, treating each configuration change as an isolated event without correlating it to the broader attack. This siloed approach means security teams must investigate the entire scope of configuration changes during an attack, attempting to distinguish malicious changes from legitimate ones.

  • Challenge: Incomplete understanding of configuration changes within the context of an attack.
  • Impact: Increased risk of misinterpreting or missing critical configuration changes.

Stream Security: Revolutionizing Cloud Detection and Response

Stream Security pioneers Cloud Detection and Response by modeling all cloud activities and configurations in real-time to uncover adversary intent. It is the only real-time model fully aware of posture, behavior, and business impacts, enabling security teams to outpace adversaries and detect, investigate, and respond to cloud threats at the speed of the cloud.

About Stream Security

Stream.Security delivers the only cloud detection and response solution that SecOps teams can trust. Born in the cloud, Stream’s Cloud Twin solution enables real-time cloud threat and exposure modeling to accelerate response in today’s highly dynamic cloud enterprise environments. By using the Stream Security platform, SecOps teams gain unparalleled visibility and can pinpoint exposures and threats by understanding the past, present, and future of their cloud infrastructure. The AI-assisted platform helps to determine attack paths and blast radius across all elements of the cloud infrastructure to eliminate gaps accelerate MTTR by streamlining investigations, reducing knowledge gaps while maximizing team productivity and limiting burnout.

Stream Team
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